zerode – a sensibility

film, music, text, city, spectacle, pleasure

Curation, Taste-making, Gatekeeping

I started this blog at an earlier time on the internet (as the many broken links and defunct sites linked to on earlier posts suggest). One of my thoughts was that it would be a place where I shared what I liked, and people might come here for one thing, and then check out others—and if they found that my taste was a good fit for theirs, this would be a place they might turn to more regularly, to follow along with me. It would reflect my sensibility—it’s there in the subhed—and if people liked it, it would be a guide, a curation of movies, music and the like of interest.

One of the perils and promises of the current moment on the internet is the vast, unimaginable volume of… of stuff we have available. Do a search for underwear on Amazon and you’ll be overwhelmed, spammed, swamped with choices. And unfortunately many of them will be lousy and it will be quite hard to figure out which are not—maybe less so with underwear, but certainly with things like tech gear. I mean, how many iPhone cables can there possibly be? Are they all equally good/garbage? How can you even tell?

Things have gotten better in some respects, but worse in more since I started this. Many of my music links are dead because the blogs or websites that hosted them are gone, some probably taken down in response to copyright infringement. But I suspect in part because of such copyright infringement, so much more “legit” music is now available on YouTube. It’s rare these days that there’s a song I want to listen to that I can’t find there, which was much less the case a decade ago.

But the loss of the blogs also means the loss of the curation they performed. Of their sensibilities. And so, in the vast undifferentiated realm of the internet, Google (gamed) search results and YouTube, how does one find the good tunes, the banging tunes, the ones that break your heart or melt your face? The good books, the good movies?

For many, perhaps most people, that has been for a while through largely algorithmically generated recommendations and lists—on YouTube, on Amazon, on GoodReads (i.e., Amazon), on IMDb (i.e., Amazon), on Spotify, etc. But there are a host of problems with this, problems that have been getting more and more attention in recent years, and seem likely to get worse—much worse—as these corporations rush to embrace AI (machine learning and LLMs, etc.—basically just better, faster, leaner and meaner algorithms, with unclear but little human crafting).

The issue of gatekeeping, taste-making and algorithms came in for some academic scrutiny even before “we marveled at our magnificence as we gave birth to AI” (“we” being corporations looking for paths to profit without paying workers).

We argue that music streaming platforms in combining proprietary algorithms and human curators constitute the “new gatekeepers” in an industry previously dominated by human intermediaries such as radio programmers, journalists, and other experts. The article suggests understanding this gatekeeping activity as a form of “algo-torial power” that has the ability to set the “listening agendas” of global music consumers. While the power of traditional gatekeepers was mainly of an editorial nature, albeit data had some relevance in orienting their choices, the power of platform gatekepeers [sic] is an editorial power “augmented” and enhanced by algorithms and big data. Platform gatekeepers have more data, more tools to manage and to make sense of these data, and thus more power than their predecessors

Bonini, Tiziano, and Alessandro Gandini. “‘First Week Is Editorial, Second Week Is Algorithmic’: Platform Gatekeepers and the Platformization of Music Curation.” Social Media + Society, vol. 5, no. 4, Oct. 2019, p. 2056305119880006. SAGE Journals,

It is not just those old blogs as taste-makers and sensibilities that have been lost, but almost all of the previous “gatekeepers” that Gen X and older millennials grew up with. Reviews in newspapers and, more quirky and independent, free weeklies like the old versions of the East Bay Express and SF Weekly. The programmers at the local art house/rep cinema. The “staff picks” shelves at shuttered bookstores or video rental places. A favorite DJ at a favorite radio station—though some college radio stations are hanging on and there are new, internet-enabled things emerging like (“Best Frequencies Forever”) with amateur and new professional DJs doing interestingly quirky and diverse programs—San Francisco-based and genuinely excellent, which you can listen to online from anywhere in the world. And some radio stations still seem to do things well, like Australia’s triple j, with its “hottest 100.”

And podcasts as well, an area I must confess I haven’t really dug into much, beyond a few predictable ones, ones that are actually mainstays for me, and serve a lot of that gatekeeping/curatorial function, on non-profit systems so not (yet) (as) subject to the profit-making and algorithmic modes that drive most other things these days, like NPR’s All Songs Considered and Pop Culture Happy Hour. Or Mark Kermode’s Screenshot on the BBC, or his podcast with Simon Mayo, successor to their excellent, wildly popular radio programme on BBC 5 Live, which ended in 2022. (Here’s a nice clip prepared as a goodbye.)

(This is all a bit rambling, for which I apologize. There’s always this tension between getting something out there, and getting something really tightly written, and with my current situation, I just don’t have the time for “tight.”)

The big takeaways, the points I’ve been trying to get around to making:

  • Algorithmic “taste-making” is not about taste-making at all really—more like force feeding. Profit-making and gatekeeping in a bad way, keeping you within the known, predictable, profitable and corporate-controlled.
  • Spotify is the devil. Also Amazon, despite my ubiquitous links to that site. (I’m switching to for books, which supports independent bookstores and lets me do shelves / lists.)
  • While taste-making blogs have declined fairly precipitously in the face of the increasingly corporate, dull and damaged internet, there are still some out there, and you should find them.
  • There are also some other genuinely interesting “radio” programs and review sites, and you should seek them out. Listen to
  • Almost certainly, they will all be independent and/or controlled by not for profit entities like NPR, BBC, Australia’s ABC.
  • Seemingly independent things that start up, like GoodReads, if they start to get any real traction in taste-making and gatekeeping, are likely to get gobbled up by some corporation, probably either Amazon or Google, which will then use them to suck you back into their corporate maw.

When I get some time, I’ll try to return to this and… tighten up.

Filed under: Ideas, Interweb, Pop Culture, , , ,

10 listicles of “The 10 best” from the last 24 hours


(24 hours because I couldn’t be arsed just picking them from the last 10 hours.)

10 Best Beards – The Frisky.

The 10 Best And Worst Cities For Starting A Career – Forbes.

The 10 best NFL player nicknames of all time | For The Win.

10 Best Dressed: Gisele Bündchen, Kate Moss, Cate Blanchett, and More – Vogue.

10 Best Golazos from World Football This Weekend | Bleacher Report.

The 10 Best Bruce Willis Movies You Need To Watch « Taste of Cinema.

The 10 best GTA 5 PC mods so far | TechRadar.

The 10 Best Rooftop Bars in NYC for Summer 2015 |

Top 10 Best Male Celebrity Summer Bodies | Celebuzz.

10 of the best European islands … that you’ve probably never heard of | Travel | The Guardian.

Filed under: Interweb,

The Tumblr-ization of Pinterest: Fish Fingers and Custard!

There’s a board on Pinterest called Fish Fingers and Custard!. If Pinterest is your first major foray into social networks beyond FaceBook, it will look a bit strange.  But if you’ve spent any time on Tumblr, it will look very, very familiar.

And I think that’s a good thing.  To a large extent, Pinterest feels like the product pages and ads from House Beautiful, Martha Stuart Living, Cosmo, Fine Cooking, FHM and… wel,l all those other magazines that are little more than glorified catalogues.

The intrusion of a quirkier, less product-placement mentality from the world of Tumblr is a welcome development.

What is still lacking, though, is an intrusion from the world of journalism – with all the stunningly pictorial events happening around the world, from tornadoes and other climate change catastrophes to war and famine (and even the odd nice thing) this is a still a lack of boards and pins reflecting any kind of political or social awareness and interest.

For more…

Filed under: Feel Good, Interweb, , ,

You know that thing in movies where women take off their glasses…

You know that thing in movies where plain looking women take off their glasses and suddenly become beautiful?  My favorite example of it comes from The Big Sleep when Humphrey Bogart is hanging out in a bookstore and the schoolmarmish clerk…  Well, watch:

These TUMBLRers have explored the truth behind the myth. If you only look at one TUMBLR post this year, it has to be Magical Deductions ⚡☂:

And why? Because “Men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses.”

For more…

Filed under: Feel Good, Interweb, Movies, , ,

Social Media and Loss

In my Google+ stream this morning, one of the people I follow posted of losing a friend.  Comments that followed were from other people who knew this same friend, and included references to her Twitter feed, and her last tweet, which seemed desperately sad.

It’s a strange thing… I don’t know these people, but suddenly I am caught up in a grief-stricken conversation.  And I wonder… is this the peril or the power of social media?

I went and read the tweets, and followed links to the friends and family of the person who died.  I read of their loss and grief and sadness.  And sitting here now, I feel a sense of grief myself—over someone I never met, never thought of before, who is being mourned by people I barely know, and that only as text on my laptop screen and small photos in the corners.

Is this becoming part of a larger community? Oversharing on their part?  (I think not.) The ability of strangers to listen in on, and even kibbitz/intrude on, what should be private exchanges?

I’ve mentioned no names, but if you want to follow the trail that I did…

Filed under: Interweb, , ,

Warholize or Obamacize

First their was the handy Obamacizer, Obamicon.Me, which let you turn any picture into a version of the famous Shepard Fairey poster from Obama’s presidential campaign, designed to be used as a web icon:

Now comes the Warholizer, which lets you transform your picture into something like some of Any Warhol’s work, in a fairly large size and high resolution so you can print it out. But it’s not free…

Filed under: Interweb,

The Strangeness that is Twitter: Clint Eastwood and the UK Riots

Hollywood director and movie star Clint Eastwood doesn’t seem to have a Twitter feed. Too bad: the pithy one-liners he’s known for in movies such as Dirty Harry seem well suited to the medium. “Go ahead—make my day.”

But there is a Clint Eastwood on Twitter. Actually more than one, but the first one that turns up if you do a search is @Eastwood_, with a handsome black&white photo and a locale of California. It’s actually the account for a fan website, as is fairly readily apparent if you follow the posted URL – But significantly, that URL isn’t giving much away, and clearly many Twitter users have been fooled into thinking this account belongs to the real Clint Eastwood. Many Twitter users:

Without ever posting a tweet, @Eastwood_ nonetheless managed to accrue 13,000 followers.

It says something about the meaninglessness of so much of Twitter—the lists of followers and following, the number of tweets, the desire for glimpses into celebrity lives, the willingness to be marketed to…

On the other side, speaking to the possibilities for meaningfulness in Twitter—and very much in the news this past week—the riots in the United Kingdom have also had a social media angle, with rioters and looters reportedly using social media networks—including Twitter—to call people to action.

One teenager has been charged with a crime for her use of Blackberry Messenger to encourage friends to join in the mayhem:

UK riots: teenager charged with BlackBerry incitement 

The 18-year-old, from Clacton, was accused of intentionally encouraging or assisting in the commission of an offence under the Serious Crime Act 2007, Essex police said.

She allegedly sent a message on BBM on Monday Aug 8 encouraging friends in the seaside town to copy scenes of violence and looting that were spreading across England.

(via The Telegraph.)

In the face of this and similar reports coming out of the riots, the British Prime Minister is reportedly considering restrictions on Twitter and other social media services (UK riots: tougher powers could curb Twitter – Telegraph).

There’s a savage irony at work here, though. When Facebook, Twitter and other social media systems were being used during the upheavals in Egypt and Iran, they were hailed by Western politicians and newspapers as tools for democratic change:

To be clear: the visionary products created by Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook and Evan Williams at Twitter are foundation stones of what is becoming a regional revolution. (via Sharon Waxman: How Egypt’s Social Media Revolution Could Spread Across the Middle East.)

Now the shoe is on the other foot and it is pinching.

Taken together, @Eastwood_’s 13,000 followers and the use of Twitter for encouraging looting in London (or democracy in the Middle East) suggest both the power and some of the perils of this strange new form of communication.

For more…

Filed under: Interweb, , , , , ,

A bit OT, but… Google Plus invites

I have available a number of invitations to Google+. It’s not even clear to me at this point if you need one to sign up, but if you haven’t yet joined and would like to, leave me a comment with your email address and I will send you one. (Of course, I won’t post or share your email address, store it, or use it for any other purpose.)

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RIAA’s list of best websites for music downloads…

In an abrupt and unexpected shift in policy, the RIAA provides a guide to the best sites for downloading pirated music and videos:

Axis of P2P Evil? Congress, RIAA call out six worst websites in the world: “This morning, the Congressional International Anti-Piracy Caucus held a press conference along with RIAA CEO Mitch Bainwol to call out the six worst websites in the world. Think of them as an “Axis of P2P Evil”… (via ars technica.)

North Korea is apparently outraged at being left out of this axis of evil, and are currently at work on a juche P2P system in response…

Filed under: Interweb

Big Damn Deal

an online comic strip – set in San Francisco! – Big Damn Deal

Filed under: Interweb, Pop Culture, ,

We handed control of our social world to Facebook and they’re doing evil stuff!

xkcd: Infrastructures.

Filed under: Humor, Interweb,

xkcd: Blogging

(via xkcd.)

In the spirit of building a relationship with my readers, I want to announce that I am currently single, well behaved and a decent cook. Email me for details and candid pictures…

Filed under: Humor, Interweb

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The 400 Blows


is an over-caffeinated and under-employed grad school dropout, aspiring leftwing intellectual and cultural studies academic, and cinéaste. Raised in San Francisco on classic film, radical politics, burritos and soul music, then set loose upon the world. He spends his time in coffee shops with his laptop and headphones, caffeinating and trying to construct a post-whatever life.

What's in a name... The handle "zerode" is a contraction of Zéro de Conduite, the title of Jean Vigo's 1933 movie masterpiece about schoolboy rebellion.