zerode – a sensibility

film, music, text, city, spectacle, pleasure

Curation, Taste-making, Gatekeeping

I started this blog at an earlier time on the internet (as the many broken links and defunct sites linked to on earlier posts suggest). One of my thoughts was that it would be a place where I shared what I liked, and people might come here for one thing, and then check out others—and if they found that my taste was a good fit for theirs, this would be a place they might turn to more regularly, to follow along with me. It would reflect my sensibility—it’s there in the subhed—and if people liked it, it would be a guide, a curation of movies, music and the like of interest.

One of the perils and promises of the current moment on the internet is the vast, unimaginable volume of… of stuff we have available. Do a search for underwear on Amazon and you’ll be overwhelmed, spammed, swamped with choices. And unfortunately many of them will be lousy and it will be quite hard to figure out which are not—maybe less so with underwear, but certainly with things like tech gear. I mean, how many iPhone cables can there possibly be? Are they all equally good/garbage? How can you even tell?

Things have gotten better in some respects, but worse in more since I started this. Many of my music links are dead because the blogs or websites that hosted them are gone, some probably taken down in response to copyright infringement. But I suspect in part because of such copyright infringement, so much more “legit” music is now available on YouTube. It’s rare these days that there’s a song I want to listen to that I can’t find there, which was much less the case a decade ago.

But the loss of the blogs also means the loss of the curation they performed. Of their sensibilities. And so, in the vast undifferentiated realm of the internet, Google (gamed) search results and YouTube, how does one find the good tunes, the banging tunes, the ones that break your heart or melt your face? The good books, the good movies?

For many, perhaps most people, that has been for a while through largely algorithmically generated recommendations and lists—on YouTube, on Amazon, on GoodReads (i.e., Amazon), on IMDb (i.e., Amazon), on Spotify, etc. But there are a host of problems with this, problems that have been getting more and more attention in recent years, and seem likely to get worse—much worse—as these corporations rush to embrace AI (machine learning and LLMs, etc.—basically just better, faster, leaner and meaner algorithms, with unclear but little human crafting).

The issue of gatekeeping, taste-making and algorithms came in for some academic scrutiny even before “we marveled at our magnificence as we gave birth to AI” (“we” being corporations looking for paths to profit without paying workers).

We argue that music streaming platforms in combining proprietary algorithms and human curators constitute the “new gatekeepers” in an industry previously dominated by human intermediaries such as radio programmers, journalists, and other experts. The article suggests understanding this gatekeeping activity as a form of “algo-torial power” that has the ability to set the “listening agendas” of global music consumers. While the power of traditional gatekeepers was mainly of an editorial nature, albeit data had some relevance in orienting their choices, the power of platform gatekepeers [sic] is an editorial power “augmented” and enhanced by algorithms and big data. Platform gatekeepers have more data, more tools to manage and to make sense of these data, and thus more power than their predecessors

Bonini, Tiziano, and Alessandro Gandini. “‘First Week Is Editorial, Second Week Is Algorithmic’: Platform Gatekeepers and the Platformization of Music Curation.” Social Media + Society, vol. 5, no. 4, Oct. 2019, p. 2056305119880006. SAGE Journals,

It is not just those old blogs as taste-makers and sensibilities that have been lost, but almost all of the previous “gatekeepers” that Gen X and older millennials grew up with. Reviews in newspapers and, more quirky and independent, free weeklies like the old versions of the East Bay Express and SF Weekly. The programmers at the local art house/rep cinema. The “staff picks” shelves at shuttered bookstores or video rental places. A favorite DJ at a favorite radio station—though some college radio stations are hanging on and there are new, internet-enabled things emerging like (“Best Frequencies Forever”) with amateur and new professional DJs doing interestingly quirky and diverse programs—San Francisco-based and genuinely excellent, which you can listen to online from anywhere in the world. And some radio stations still seem to do things well, like Australia’s triple j, with its “hottest 100.”

And podcasts as well, an area I must confess I haven’t really dug into much, beyond a few predictable ones, ones that are actually mainstays for me, and serve a lot of that gatekeeping/curatorial function, on non-profit systems so not (yet) (as) subject to the profit-making and algorithmic modes that drive most other things these days, like NPR’s All Songs Considered and Pop Culture Happy Hour. Or Mark Kermode’s Screenshot on the BBC, or his podcast with Simon Mayo, successor to their excellent, wildly popular radio programme on BBC 5 Live, which ended in 2022. (Here’s a nice clip prepared as a goodbye.)

(This is all a bit rambling, for which I apologize. There’s always this tension between getting something out there, and getting something really tightly written, and with my current situation, I just don’t have the time for “tight.”)

The big takeaways, the points I’ve been trying to get around to making:

  • Algorithmic “taste-making” is not about taste-making at all really—more like force feeding. Profit-making and gatekeeping in a bad way, keeping you within the known, predictable, profitable and corporate-controlled.
  • Spotify is the devil. Also Amazon, despite my ubiquitous links to that site. (I’m switching to for books, which supports independent bookstores and lets me do shelves / lists.)
  • While taste-making blogs have declined fairly precipitously in the face of the increasingly corporate, dull and damaged internet, there are still some out there, and you should find them.
  • There are also some other genuinely interesting “radio” programs and review sites, and you should seek them out. Listen to
  • Almost certainly, they will all be independent and/or controlled by not for profit entities like NPR, BBC, Australia’s ABC.
  • Seemingly independent things that start up, like GoodReads, if they start to get any real traction in taste-making and gatekeeping, are likely to get gobbled up by some corporation, probably either Amazon or Google, which will then use them to suck you back into their corporate maw.

When I get some time, I’ll try to return to this and… tighten up.

Filed under: Ideas, Interweb, Pop Culture, , , ,

Cory Doctorow, Aaron Swartz and Homeland

doctorowCory Doctorow‘s article on Tor/Forge echoes the remarks he’s been making on his soon to conclude book tour in support of Homeland.

I think it’s great that he’s focusing so much on what happened with Aaron Swartz, and also talking about the issues of depression and suicide, though I could wish that there was enough time on his tour to also talk more about the book, which is great, but also a slightly different proposition from Little Brother, the book for which it is ostensibly a sequel.

Homeland seems to take place earlier in time/history, and in a world very much more like our own than Little Brother, which was a cool, near-future dystopian reflection on trends in technology and the “war against terrorism.”

Homeland reads much more like one of Cory’s (excellent) articles or op ed pieces than did Little Brother – or any of his other fiction. It practically feels like non-fiction, and that’s both good and bad. It isn’t as satisfying a read, purely as a novel, as Little Brother, For the Win or Pirate Cinema. On the other hand, it’s extremely satisfying and effective as a political and social intervention. I want to go out and find Joe Noss and work on his campaign. I’m much more attentive to Alameda County’s attempt to buy drones than I might have been. I’ve been thinking about the issues it raises.

That’s great: Cory knows what he is talking about, and the issues that he is addressing are vital ones. But I still wanted a bit more fiction than I got. And along those lines, I certainly feel like the tween girl in the audience for Cory’s reading at The Booksmith on Haight Street last week: is there going to be a sequel to Pirate Cinema? I love Cory’s articles, op ed pieces, and his activism. I also love his novels. We were lucky over the past year to get three novels from Cory in pretty rapid succession: Pirate Cinema, Rapture of the Nerds, and Homeland. And based on his remarks about what he’s working on, we might continue to see something like that output in the future.

Filed under: Literature, Tech, ,

A Conversation with Cory Doctorow and Charles Stross

Wow – two of my favorite science fiction and technology writers in conversation…

Filed under: Literature,

Poodle moth, Venezuela

Poodle moth, Venezuela by artour_a
Poodle moth, Venezuela, a photo by artour_a on Flickr.

Filed under: Science,

Nerdware: Even Nerds Stand Up for Justice

Warning: This product is not safe to wear in any jurisdiction with “Stand Your Ground” legislation.  Or, you know, “walking while black” legislation…

How To Be Black Pullover $50.00

This American Apparel pullover has 20% more pocket space and 100% less zipper than the zip-up, choose accordingly. (via How To Be Black – Shop.)


Filed under: Nerdware, Politics, , , ,

World Book Night

What a terrific idea: on one night, people around the world go around giving books to strangers:

Become a Giver for World Book Night 2012 | DIESEL, A Bookstore.

World Book Night 2012!  The idea is that on one night, throughout America, 1 million books will be given away by hand by tens of thousands of people.  Authors and publishers have enthusiastically agreed to print over 30 thousand copies of 30 different titles, to be delivered to pick-up locations throughout the country — mostly independent bookstores and libraries.  Individual readers will sign up to be Givers who agree to hand deliver 20 copies of a title of their choice to strangers in locations outside of their homes, their bookstores, and their libraries.  It may be a park, a prison, a school, a hospital, an intersection, an airplane, a bus.

The first World Book Night was held in the UK last year, and the idea obviously really caught on:  this year it is being held in the UK, Ireland and the United States.  The goal is to have 50,000 people hand out 20 copies of a book – for a total of one million books given away in the one evening.

The process is simple: you sign up with your personal details, and pick the three books you would most like to hand out from the list of available titles, then say a bit about who you want to give them to and why you want to give out those books.  The teams behind World Book Night will select (somehow) from among the applicants, hopefully so as to maximize the spread of books.  Books will be delivered to local bookstores for pick-up by the selected applicants.

I picked as my three choices (in order) The Book Thief, The Hunger Games and Housekeeping with the goal of distributing these to street kids and young people in the Haight Ashbury neighborhood.  The Book Thief was just too obvious a title for a free book program to pass up – but fortunately it’s also a great read.

Go, sign up, pick your own top titles to give to strangers.  It could be the beginning of all sorts of things – a friendship, someone’s love of literature, a social movement…

Filed under: Literature, ,

We love… moss graffiti

Mosstika’s living graffiti is amazing | Grist.

Filed under: Feel Good, Urbanismo, , ,

Conversation with Sir Terry Pratchett

“I’m fascinated by the way folklore is entwined with truth in people’s lives”
— Terry Pratchett

Sir Terry Pratchett in conversation with Jacqueline Simpson:

Sir Terry Pratchett and Dr Jacqueline Simpson met many years ago at a book signing in Worthing and have since worked together as co-authors. Jacqueline is a member of the Folklore Editorial Board and is also on the Committee of The Folklore Society, of which Sir Terry is a lifetime member.

On 26th August 2010 at the Annual Discworld Convention in Birmingham, Sir Terry and Jacqueline sat down to record a discussion on the topic of folklore and its significance to them…

A three part podcast is available on the website for the journal Folklore, as well as an excerpt of the conversation and also a transcript of the discussion which contains links to related articles.

Filed under: Literature, , , ,

20 Classic Opening Lines In Books

“All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” ANNA KARENINA (1877), Leo Tolstoy  (via 20 Classic Opening Lines In Books |

I don’t know if I necessarily agree with all of Entertainment Weekly‘s picks for classics, but who could argue with that opening from Anna Karenina?

What opening lines would you pick as your “twenty best/favorite opening lines”? Conversely, what are the opening lines of your twenty favorite books? What’s the opening line of the book(s) you’re reading right now? Mine is:

“Inchmale hailed a cab for her, the kind that had always been black, when she’d first known this city.”

Interesting to think about what we know from first lines, from this first line. That we are—probably—in London (with those big black taxis), but what else? A certain tone perhaps—wistful maybe, somewhat detached and observant. Hard for me to be sure now what might be just in that line, as opposed to what I know from all the subsequent lines I’ve read.

It might be interesting to collect the opening lines of my books – the ones I’ve read, that I own, the ones I love. Even the ones I’ve lost—the collected opening lines like the ghost of my former library.

What would I do with a collection of opening lines? I can imagine alphabetizing my books not by author or by title but by those first lines, as is done in the index of collections of poetry. Or creating some kind of taxonomy of opening lines and using that as an organizing principle… An exercise in collectorship, connoisseurship, like Rob Fleming organizing his record collection by the order in which he bought them.

Not the Rob Fleming who is a Canadian politician, nor the other one who is an architect. The one from Nick Hornby’s High Fidelity.  I googled the name and those other ones came up first. How many of you are there on Google? How many of you are like you? One of me lived in the same small town I used to live in. Another worked with Macintosh computers, like me, here in the Bay Area, like me. My doppleganger, but younger. A younger me. I should call him up and warn him about the rocky years ahead.

Filed under: Autobiography, Literature

Image of Megacanyon on Mars

Something for fans of Kim Stanley Robinson’s Mars Trilogy:

Evidence of water in megacanyon on Mars: “Melas Chasma, a huge canyon forming part of the 4000 km Valles Marineris rift valley on Mars, plunges 9 km below the surrounding plains in this image, which was taken by the High Resolution Stereo Camera on the European Space Agency’s Mars Express orbiter, making it one of the deepest depressions on the planet…” (via NewScientist.)

Filed under: Science, ,

The Suck Fairy

The Suck Fairy is an artefact of re-reading. If you read a book for the first time and it sucks, it’s nothing to do with her. It just sucks. Some books do. The Suck Fairy comes in when you come back to a book that you liked when you read it before, and on re-reading—well, it sucks. You can say that you have changed, you can hit your forehead dramatically and ask yourself how you could possibly have missed the suckiness the first time—or you can say that the Suck Fairy has been through while the book was sitting on the shelf and inserted the suck..”. (via / Science fiction and fantasy.)

Filed under: Ideas

Feel Good: Beautiful Summer house in Skåne

Swedish summer house, located in the region of Skåne (via My Scandinavian Retreat.) Those of us who’ve enjoyed the terrific, but dark and wintery Wallander mystery novels by Henning Mankell would never have expected to see something so full of light in Skåne.

For more..

Filed under: Architecture, Feel Good, ,

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The 400 Blows


is an over-caffeinated and under-employed grad school dropout, aspiring leftwing intellectual and cultural studies academic, and cinéaste. Raised in San Francisco on classic film, radical politics, burritos and soul music, then set loose upon the world. He spends his time in coffee shops with his laptop and headphones, caffeinating and trying to construct a post-whatever life.

What's in a name... The handle "zerode" is a contraction of Zéro de Conduite, the title of Jean Vigo's 1933 movie masterpiece about schoolboy rebellion.